was for zwi12. .
ps poignant,com lag.
lol. i did not create it just to port that. my account kenna hack. wo the hell would want to hack my account sia.
agreed with wahaha, how i wish she was still a single virgin, i'll have a laid.
haha. i think everyone also have the same wish including me tat she is single. haha
zwi12 you as if i would be laid by you . maybe someone hacked your account to post more sick comments...serves you right . I'm a full non virgin is most of my body . hehe..including my ass and mouth . even my body and boob also .
if you learnt in biology class, the reason why you have bleeding that your bf's dick punctured the soft tissue that blocks in you vagina wall i think. my teacher told me that this is how husband check if their wives are virgins; if they see blood coming out of your vagina means you are a virgin... wonder i bled . So its the thing called the hymen . So i guess that was the thing that gave me so much pain..i was practically, moaning . Or in other words, started by orgasm .
and this 2 joker still continue to post in here................
some how i sence this 2 joker or 1 is some attention seeker (- -)
the plot of self acting is bad............... gave yrself away already
LOL!!! i am just a norm guy that likes sweets gals like got anymore pics? i wanna see'em.=D
one thing i gotta say,you are hot...
eew? sicko zwi12!! how i wish got a ban button :D you should go to geyalng to sell yourself, not here
Originally posted by tight***:eew? sicko zwi12!! how i wish got a ban button :D you should go to geyalng to sell yourself, not here
haha. relax.
they sounded like they are flirting with each other lolx
Originally posted by maskedangel:this might be a case of a pervertic guy posing as a girl to get a sexual high from forumnites reply. hahaha
Spot on - so you forumites out there - dont be taken for a ride on some fabricated sexual fantasies. But if anyone does, actually it's quite harmless if u dont go overboard.
I've been masturbating since I was 11.....I'm 21 now.....I masturbate more now than I did then......when I'm at university.....I want to masturbate anywhere....not just in bed before sleeping...
I know what your problem, i also have this problem. when u masturbate you become tired and it easy for you to sleep right?
If you wan more details pm me.
Originally posted by tight***:wah..more and more ppl pm me ask for photos...hiaz...maybe i put one of two ba...
All this is i at studio take de...see whether nice not...(sorry only got 2 cos the rest all expose too much of my body)
Looks kind of tanned... not a bad thing.
Ok la, got pic to see not bad liao. At least not so boring... =\
HI TIGHT!!!!can you giv mi ur msn hotmail?
drama mamas
ps ppl, long time visit my own tread, cos i overseas mah..psps...
some of you guys keep asking for my msn, i don't mind giving you guys but i seldom online one..
and stop asking for pics of me in no clothes or little clothes .
if you ...pls don't spam or send virus .
replies....: shoomburger: erm...something like that...
AYYX: of course tanned, i often swim, i work part time as lifeguard during holidays :D
Laugh Out Loud !
Originally posted by tight***:ps ppl, long time visit my own tread, cos i overseas mah..psps...
some of you guys keep asking for my msn, i don't mind giving you guys but i seldom online one..
and stop asking for pics of me in no clothes or little clothes .
if you ...pls don't spam or send virus .
replies....: shoomburger: erm...something like that...
AYYX: of course tanned, i often swim, i work part time as lifeguard during holidays :D
Really ah... then that time I kena drowned you never come save me?
waa, lifeguard.
where u work.? swimming complex?
Maybe you try not to think about it, thing should be fine
After reading all the posting under this topic it seems to me it "might not" be real. Most asia girl is shy by nature and do not show sexual side to public. (standard human behavior study) There is just to much detail that the TS talks about in here that makes this post seem fake. (I'm sure all you guys that is reading this topic knows what I'm talking about) Its gotten to a point where it seems like the person is "teasing the readers" or just wanting response from the reader.
For the slight chance that this is "real posting".... what you are going thru is a normal phase of sexual exp. You have just crossed to a new area of pleasure that your body and mind not used too.
i.e like a kid just started playing a new video game that just got released.
Explored your sexual feeling including masturbating and explore your like and dislike about it. The more you know about your feeling the better understanding you will have about it. At the end you would see if masturbating everything is good for you (mentally or phyically) or not. But just a fyi, there have been numerous studies about ppl masturbating on a daily base and they is no harm in doing it.
there is no harm but it will, to a certain extent, affect your mental health. Can u imagine thinking about sexual stuff the whole day. best to just quit it by toning down the number of times u do it as a start.
AYYX: who know you drown sia...
wahahaT: no lah, Safra, now not working there anymore
Bad Tarepanda: this happens to be a real post, and not all gals are that shy . Sometimes my post seems "fake" cos it might be phrased wrongly, sometimes i get my bf to type for me, so..his eng kinda suck .