gt gals masturbade one ?
I tot gals pure pure de.
have! (:
Got lah, aiya....
Originally posted by xXIron_fistXx:gt gals masturbade one ?
I tot gals pure pure de.
Originally posted by Joolead:ready???
set go
yes they do masturbate
Originally posted by lynn94:have! (:
haha.. show me then i verify
Originally posted by TTFU:set go
neber saw before..sigh
Originally posted by Joolead:neber saw before..sigh
LOL..gers mast most @ night one leh..
I thuoght ony guys masturbate.
Girls do. Watch some porn.
yes..they finger themselves or use sex toy。。
Originally posted by dazhutou:yes..they finger themselves or use sex toy。。
So Crude....
got shower that time can masturbate.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:got shower that time can masturbate.
yupe。。they got their ways
how to mast?
Originally posted by lionel00:Hey there, care to exchange msn add? If u dun mind, can add me at CHeers
Less gals mast I believe.
hmm.. me 2 helps to sleep its ok..
why wud u bother to quit?
Anyway didnt know how come page 13 n 14 is so serious =.=
theres so many underage sex out there unreported ,
why bother sia.. its norm..
anw yap and kang, just curious abt ur qualificatns..
No offence, totally friendly.
Anw TS ur first pic nicer..
haha prefers act cute n innocent one =D
Any gals confess they mast before?