Yuki: Thanks for the nice big welcome, appreciate it loads!
Saint: I came across this page when i was doin some surfing in my skool's pc lab. I think someone be4 mi entered the website because the pc had this address in itz history. Then therez some highlights of msgs in the lobby, i figured that SRJC might be a happening one so i entered to take a look! Satisfied with the answer? =)
Nivlek: Sorrie, the venue of my internet cafe will be a top secret for now... :Þ Try running ure fingers in the Yellow Pages to find mi? *juz kidding*
Wondering wot u guys r doin now... Having a long vacation eh? I am but my vacation is not so of the relaxing one coz i'm working almost everyday, thatz y my reply alwayz seem fast coz i'm using the computer all the while! Okie, thatz bout all for now, seeya!

Btw, can anyone teach mi how to add those faces like u guys alwayz do? Those green ones n blah... Thanks in advance!
Gotta save da world!