This is the first thread in this forum.The rules and regulations thread.
How to be moderator please read Rule 1!
Rule 1:If you want to be a moderator please create new buses or city.It can be Singapore city or buses or Hong Kong buses and city or maybe fictional city or buses.If you create them up to an acceptable standard you can will be a moderator.
Rule 2:Do not create such threads if you are not using it!
Rule 2.1:Do not create threads if it has the same name.It will be locked immediately!
Rule 3:Please do not create a downloads thread as if there is enough.The moderators or the forum owner will create it.
Rule 3.1:Off-topic thread will be created by the forum owner!
Rule 4(Do not read this if you are not a mod):Moderators please do not lock threads if not necessary or else you will be taken away your moderator rights!
Rule 5:Here is the part each and everybody should know!If you create threads about you developing buses or cities,the format will be:
Format for Hong Kong buses or cities:
Hong Kong:(The name of the project)
Format for Singapore buses or cities:
Singapore:(The name of the project)
Format for fictional buses or cities:
Fictional:(The name of the project)
This is to prevent from people getting confused.
Rule 5.1:You must post an update before 48 hours when your thread was created or it will be immediately locked!
Rule 6:This is the rule each and everybody must know!Do not release your city or buses if it is copyrighted!
Rule 7:If you break any of the rules!You will be given a warning the first and second time.If you break the rule the third time,you will be completely banned from this forum!
(Add on by C830/C751B/C951 Fan) Rule 7.1: Moderating should always be handled by Moderators. People who are caught doing one-time-only-moderator job will get a warning for the 1st and 2nd time. 3rd time, no no. Banned.
(Add-On by Boylush)
Rule7.2 If you are caught telling other people to move their talks to the off-topic etc.
,on the 3rd timed , you would be banned for 1 week,On the 6 time , you willl be banned permanantly. {Not for moderators - for non-moderators}
Rule 8 (Inapropriate Stuffs)
8.1: Inapropriate words used will be taken down immediately once spotted by our moderators.
8.2: Illegal items (Such as: Illegal Sites, Pornogaphy etc) are not allowed. They will be taken down then the user will be reported.
Thank you for reading this thread.We appreciate it if you follow these rules.
If they write wrongly can edit what.
Rule 6 : This IS the rule each and everybody must know!Do not release your city or buses if it is copyrighted!
You missed the is.
[EDIT] I made a fictional bus before but I think I left it in my old computer and accidentally deleted it so bye bye bus! I see whether I can find any pics.
Originally posted by C830/C751B/C951 Fan:Rule 6 : This IS the rule each and everybody must know!Do not release your city or buses if it is copyrighted!
You missed the is.
[EDIT] I made a fictional bus before but I think I left it in my old computer and accidentally deleted it so bye bye bus! I see whether I can find any pics.
How to do leh.Teach me.
Originally posted by Boylush:How to do leh.Teach me.
I forgot le. After so long I need to go back to basics. 2 years do you know?
Please edit the rules : Rule 7 : Moderating should always be handled by Moderators. People who are caught doing one-time-only-moderator job will be punished. Or lets say, get a warning for 1st and 2nd time.
Rule 7.1 : If you break any of the rules!You will be given a warning the first and second time.If you break the rule the third time,you will be completely banned from this forum!
Added one more rule, Rule 8.
Edited for a few spelling mistakes.
remember to include one more : Try not to use your very "Pro" Singlish. We only understand English.