From BT Kojak
date Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:50 AM
subject Demand a detail investigation to the sacking of JRTC member Geraldine Soh Shin Lin
To: Mdm HALIMAH Yacob
Jurong Town Council
Dear Mdm,
It was reported on Temasek Review that a person working in Jurong Town Council by the name of Geraldine Soh Shin Lin has been sacked by the General Manager, Mr Ho Thian Poh. According to the report, the official reason given for her sudden sacking was due to “poor performance” even though she has been working for three years without any incidents or warnings to note.
However, what is worrying is that the report also mentioned that she was probably sacked due to her support for the opposition party, NSP. She was seen helping NSP to sell its merchandise at the NSP rally during the election:
Thanks to Mr Ho’s action, we now have one more Singaporean out of job. The netizens are completely outraged by the report. As Chairman of JRTC as well as a senior member of NTUC, you should thoroughly investigate the background of this incident and give everyone, especially Ms Soh, a proper redress.
And if there are no wrong doings found committed by Ms Soh other than supporting her choice political party, NSP, then perhaps the JRTC General Manager, Mr Ho Thian Poh, should be sacked for politicizing an apolitical organization, the Jurong Town Council, whose job is merely to manage housing, shop and office units in Jurong area. I’m sure you also don’t want the netizens to link this incident back to PAP, accusing PAP of bullying or suppressing oppositions in Singapore.
Yours sincerely,
p.s. I’ve also cc this letter to PM Lee so as to help him understand the ground better.
Is that how the PM and his team fixes Singaporeans?
If you ask me if he will redress the issue, I say no, he will probably say he has no jurisdiction regarding the affairs of JTC.
To set things right means that he has to admit that the GLCs and GIC practices discriminatory employment.
Yes, he should come out and explain why the sacking.
It is distrubing to hear that the scking might due to her personal support to one party other than pap. That is indeed threatening and put on fear to the people if it is true.
It will not help the pap or the pm any favour at all.
In fact, the popularity of the pms and pap will drop further to 50+%.
So, to clear any doubts, plse come out and explain your action of sacking her. Dont be a turtle hiding under the shell.
Sorry, I find this story as hard to accept as the one where people cannot access aljunied town council website, and the one where the people of aljunied are rolling around in their own filth.
Originally posted by likeyou:Yes, he should come out and explain why the sacking.
It is distrubing to hear that the scking might due to her personal support to one party other than pap. That is indeed threatening and put on fear to the people if it is true.
It will not help the pap or the pm any favour at all.
In fact, the popularity of the pms and pap will drop further to 50+%.
So, to clear any doubts, plse come out and explain your action of sacking her. Dont be a turtle hiding under the shell.
Exactly, PAP is not so stupid to go this way, and make you repent them more.
Yes Ditzy, agreed with you.
Now we know why a opposition party is very essential in the parliament. They are here to ask why and what make them do this kind of action. They are simply lead by their nose and will care a damn on how the grounds felt.
And as you can see the ts posted, he has cc to pm. But, will pm read? Will pm rec the mail? Will it direct to his sec? Or will it bounce back to ts?
Or after the ge, will the door closed to the public feedback and will they go back to their normal nonfeeling way of making decision regardless of the pple feeling?
She can work for ALJ TC once the WP team completes their takeover.
We have to be fair and not blame the PAP or the government for everything that happened. Luckily people didn't say that the car accident that involved Hougang opposition candidate was planned by PAP or government to get rid of oppositions. I think the government has done to well for the country and yet the people take it for granted. Just compare our life with those in the region around us and touch your heart and ask yourself if we have a good life here. Just like inflation, it happens in every country, including those with natural resources. Singapore has nothing and we import everything we use or consume and all the import prices has increased, not due to the doing of our government. In fact the government help us to fight inflation with our strong currency and also by giving out rebates and growth dividends. What else do we want more? More oppositions? What better alternatives can the oppositions offer? Would they be able to see us through should another crisis comes along? If the whole PAP is voted out, are they able to form the next government and see us prosper like before? Who will the oppositions appoint their men as ministers and senior office holders? The list goes on, what more to say if people just don't understand the good life we enjoy here in Singapore.
Operation Coldstore, Operation Spectrum, Francis Seow saga, etc, these are all conspiracy theories, they never really happened.
Or maybe what the PAP media reports on the news is real, all others are conspiracy theories. News never report, so it's not real.
All the residents of Hougang and Potong Pasir were hallucinating when they claim that they were victimised when they did vote in PAP?
Ever heard the old adage, no smoke without fire.
She can apply to the agency that our Govt has send up. Fair Employment Agency?
Bring her grievances to the agency.
Originally posted by Contactdesmond:We have to be fair and not blame the PAP or the government for everything that happened. Luckily people didn't say that the car accident that involved Hougang opposition candidate was planned by PAP or government to get rid of oppositions. I think the government has done to well for the country and yet the people take it for granted. Just compare our life with those in the region around us and touch your heart and ask yourself if we have a good life here. Just like inflation, it happens in every country, including those with natural resources. Singapore has nothing and we import everything we use or consume and all the import prices has increased, not due to the doing of our government. In fact the government help us to fight inflation with our strong currency and also by giving out rebates and growth dividends. What else do we want more? More oppositions? What better alternatives can the oppositions offer? Would they be able to see us through should another crisis comes along? If the whole PAP is voted out, are they able to form the next government and see us prosper like before? Who will the oppositions appoint their men as ministers and senior office holders? The list goes on, what more to say if people just don't understand the good life we enjoy here in Singapore.
I want more better, cheaper and faster Ministers in Parliament. Look at the credentials of the WP , how many PAP Mps can match up to them?