I have full admiration for all the never say die opposition candidates. My full respect to the late JBJ, CST and many others. However this is the question in my mind. I probably consider myself in the near veteran ages. Being a election tourist, probably also because of the multiple walk-over.
I have realise that when veteran candidates gave their speeches in dialect, I have seen puzzle looks on younger election "tourist" or voters. Promising goodies like the old days no longer sells. People are asking what you can offer an how you are going to fulfil them. A look at the current elections still have list of such candidates.
What is your opinion to that?
Well, we're picking MPs... not electing generals or commanders or president...
We will need someone who stands the ground with us, can understand(there's another to use, begins with "a" but I kinda forget, anyone can help?) us...
No point having world class fighter or leader when he/she is a 1 man army...
U may win a battle, but if u lose too many soldiers then it's a lost war...
Outdated or not, I dun think age plays a major part (unless the person is superbly sick or dying -___-)...