no h=jobs for sgreans, work longer whours or no work at all, who even dare to start a family. cost of lviing, healthcare 9for baby and children) all high, gst should be removed for necessity items. affordable housing all common sense, they just want a high pay and high GDP with tons of foreign trash contaminating out island.
Is LHL in charge? No. Mm lky's in charge.
So, whatever LHL promises is immaterial.
Regardless of the results of the election, they will still bring in more people into the country.
If they win the election by a huge margin, they will say Singaporeans have given them the mandate to do so. This is for increasing GDP purposes.
If they win by a smaller margin, they will increase the population base of new citizens just so to boost their chances for the next election.
The management structure at many companies here look familiar below)?
Top management: 100% FT
Middle management: 70% FT / 30% Singaporeans
Staff: 20% FT / 80% Singaporeans
Times are bad.
We shall see.