Was reading the article on My Paper which talked about PM Lee apologising for side effects, detours and things not always going as planned.
He cited the flooding of Orchard Road and the escape of Mas Selamat as issues.
Following that article, I saw a reader comment that hit the nail on the head.
Mas Selamat escape and Orchard Rd flooding are non-issues.
The REAL issues:
- High HDB prices for 1st time owners
- Huge influx of foreigners
- Competition for jobs with foreigners of dubious qualifications
- Suppression of wages by foreigners
- Crowded public transport
- Huge disparity between the haves and have nots.
- The sandwiched middle class.
People, please do not be distracted.
Stay focused on what's important.
Some may like to add: 'high ministerial salaries' to the list above.
Only thing I don't agree with the commentor is saying that Mas Selamat escape is a non-issue.
Originally posted by chocobean:Was reading the article on My Paper which talked about PM Lee apologising for side effects, detours and things not always going as planned.
He cited the flooding of Orchard Road and the escape of Mas Selamat as issues.
Following that article, I saw a reader comment that hit the nail on the head.
Mas Selamat escape and Orchard Rd flooding are non-issues.
The REAL issues:
- High HDB prices for 1st time owners
- Huge influx of foreigners
- Competition for jobs with foreigners of dubious qualifications
- Suppression of wages by foreigners
- Crowded public transport
- Huge disparity between the haves and have nots.
- The sandwiched middle class.
People, please do not be distracted.
Stay focused on what's important.Some may like to add: 'high ministerial salaries' to the list above.
Only thing I don't agree with the commentor is saying that Mas Selamat escape is a non-issue.
Orchard Road flooding is a non-issue? LOL business owners affected wor.
Originally posted by chocobean:Flooding of Orchard Rd was troublesome and disruptive yes, but can be fixed. Even we don’t tell them to fix it, they will fix it because they cannot have major shopping belt in such mess.
The other stuff. They may know about the problem, but are they facing it and seeing it from the point of view of ordinary Singaporeans? No. They sit on their high horses and live in their ivory towers and they are only dangling some carrots now because it’s election time. After elections, you sure they will care two hoots about us?
They care. They will increase GST to help their pay and increase their own pay to match the private sector.
The end result of those who keep on voting for PAP is that PAP will take you for granted after elections.
mas salamat one is an issue. if people can escape the detention baranges then acheri many more can escape.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:The end result of those who keep on voting for PAP is that PAP will take you for granted after elections.
Don't get distracted by late and lame apologies.
Think about whether they really will heed us should they once again receive a strong mandate from Singaporeans. They will treat us even more shabbily and think we are little kids to be pushed over!