In case, all of you who think Tan Jee Say is pulling down the carpet under his party's feet. Think again . Read his proposal in full. .
Mr Tan used to work for the Father of Jurong (sorry , not LKY) , the late Mr Albert Winsemius - the architect of Singapore's economy and advisor to the PAP.
Now compare it to what SM Goh says
SM GOH :" here are 420,000 blue collar workers. Change the collar colour to white and put them in education, health, IT, financial sectors? Move to IRs (integrated resorts) perhaps?” SPUR and CET programmes are service sector programs by PAP.....
Sorry, pai seh lah, too late people....PAP already started from switching slowly into service sectors from manufacturing sectors.
Maybe while Mr Tan was in civil service, they took his idea? Who knows....but the ones criticizing him are certainly not economic experts or have an economics degree.