once,you had finished 3X16 combinations of weapons.
please proceed with (3X5)+1=16 elite robots
I forgot to tell you,I completed the 5 kidnappers within 1 night.
seem to be 1hr or 1hr++.
I can complete so fast,why can't you?
Originally posted by T3chn0g33k3:once,you had finished 3X16 combinations of weapons.
please proceed with (3X5)+1=16 elite robots
I forgot to tell you,I completed the 5 kidnappers within 1 night.
seem to be 1hr or 1hr++.
I can complete so fast,why can't you?
why cant u explain what u doing? u retarded?
one day,when I want to find 2006 drama youtube.
It took me about 30mins to find the email.
So,I decide to divide my email into 3 groups.
I will click on send tomorrow.
draft=others infomation.
why is dis idiot talking to himself?
Originally posted by »¤ Liquified ¤« ...:why is dis idiot talking to himself?
because he idiot
please write the book with black magic.
If not,you are giving blank sheets.
I can't visualise any image without the help of black magic.
u wrtie ur words in cum