What is greater than God.
More evil than the Devil.
The poor have it.
The rich don't need it.
And if you eat it, you'll die?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
How can you give someone $63 using six bills, without using any one dollar bills?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
If five thousand, five hundred five dollars is written as $5,505, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
Which is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
You are on a ship, over the side hangs a rope ladder with half meter rungs. The tide rises a half meter per hour. At the end of five hours, how much of the ladder will remain above the water assuming that nine rungs were above the water when the tide began to rise?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
Three guys walk into town. They go into a hotel and ask for a room they can share. The clerk has just the thing they want for thirty dollars. The clerk sends them to the room, takes out the ledger, and realizes that he made a mistake. The room costs only twenty-five dollars. Now he has to divide five dollars evenly three ways. Can't be done. So the clerk pockets two dollars, tells the guys that he made a three dollar mistakeand gives them each a single. Now, each man paid only nine dollars for his share of the room. Nine times three equals twenty seven, plus the two in the clerk's pocket equals twenty nine. Where's the other dollar?
We are little creatures;
all of us have different features.
One of us in glass is set;
one of us you'll find in jet.
Another you may see in tin,
and the fourth is boxed within .
If the fifth you should pursue,
it can never fly from you.
What are we?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
King Tut died 120 years after King Eros was born. Their combined ages when they died was 100 years. King Eros died in the year 40 B.C. In what year was King Tut born?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
A tree doubled in height each year until it reached its maximum height over the course of ten years. How many years did it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
If two hours ago, it was as long after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning, what time would it be now?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here:
Bubba invited Beavis and Butthead to his house for a barbeque. Since Bubba's barbeque is only capable of handling two hamburgers at once, he wonders how he can cook three hamburgers at once, he wonders how he can cook three hamburgers in the shortest amount of time. It takes five minutes fro each side of a burger to cook. Therefore, in ten minutes two will be cooked, and another ten minutes will be needed to cook the third burger. Butthead says all three can be cooked i just 15 minutes. How?
You'll find the answer to this riddle here: