Calling all freshmen of NUS Arts & Social Sciences!
Worrying about your first day of school this coming August? D:
Unsure of what to do and where to go? :|
Feeling all lonely and sad because none of your friends came to FASS with you? :(
FRET NOT! We’re here to help :)
The NUS Students’ Arts and Social Sciences Club proudly presents ARTS CAMP 2009!
Date: 27th June – 1st July 2009
Fee: S$55/-
Venue: NUS campus, boarding in Eusoff Hall
Official Website:
Get a preview of our dear campus and its quirky inhabitants before schoolwork bogs you down. Relieve yourselves of those burning questions you’ve been wanting to ask. Dump them all on the seniors who’ll answer all your queries, both academic or otherwise ;)
This year’s theme is ANGELS AND DEMONS. Come witness an epic battle between the forces of good and evil in this extraordinary event! Guaranteed no Tom Hanks and his balding hair! Definitely not to be missed! :D
“Arts Camp has never been a disappointment. I took part in my first year, and kept going back for more! Definitely one of the coolest orientation camps around.” – Wilson Tay, Third Year Economics major.
“Thank goodness for Arts Camp! Without it I would have felt completely lost and alone on my first day.” – Ryan Seah, 2nd Year Communications and New Media major.
So go pack up your bags and get ready to experience the ARTS spirit. Be a part, not apart!
Reserve 27th June to 1st July on your calendar now!
For more information visit our website (it’s just a click away, do it!), or contact us via the following means:
Ng Xinle – 98345661
Evelyn Yeo – 92200462
See you there! :)
NUS students dunno how to read english?
This is NOT NUS forum and neither is this a place for advertisement. Go post in the NUS forum if you want to advertise your camps and not here.
Originally posted by Nusartsclub:
Date: 27th June – 1st July 2009
Fee: S$55/-
Venue: NUS campus, boarding in Eusoff Hall
Official Website:
NUS FASS so desperate for money that they will come all the way here to look for $$?
This forum is for people seeking HELP on their homework, not for ADVERTISEMENT.