Double FITA Outdoor Target Archery Round
Consists of 2 FITA Outdoor Target Archery Rounds shot consecutively.
Total # of arrows shot=288
The Olympic Round
The olympic Round is the elimination rounds of top archers (or teams) coming from qualification round. Divided into 4 as:
- The Elimination Round
- The Finals Round
- The Team Elimination Round
- The Team Finals Round
The Elimination Round
Top 64 individuals (men and women)are seeded according to their positions in the qualification round. They shoot a series of matches in groups (two by two) each mach consisting of:
3 ends of 6 arrows in 4 min at 70 m on 122 cm faces. Total # of arrows shot=18
Exception: Distance is 60 m for Cadet Men and Women.
The Finals Round
Top 8 individuals (men and women) remainig from elimination rounds shoot individual matches. Each mach consisting of:
4 ends of 3 arrows at 70 m on 122 cm faces. (At FITA Target Outdoor Championships the matches will be shot one after the other. The athletes alternate shooting 1 arrow at a time, 40 seconds per arrow. Total # of arrows shot=12
Exception: Distance is 60 m for Cadet Men and Women.
The Team Elimination Round
Top 16 teams (men and women)(teams composed of 3 athletes) are seeded according to their positions as determined by their total score in the qualification round. They shoot simultaneously a series of matches, each mach consisting of:
3 ends of 9 arrows (3 per archer) in 3 min at 70 m on 122 cm faces. Total # of arrows shot=27
Exception: Distance is 60 m for Cadet Men and Women.
The Team Finals Round
Top 4 Teams (men and women) remainig from elimination rounds shoot a series of individual matches. Each mach consisting of:
3 ends of 9 arrows (3 per archer) in 3 minutes at 70 m on 122 cm faces. (In the Olympic Games the teams shoot alternately in three arrow segments(1 arrow per archer).) Total # of arrows shot=27
Exception: Distance is 60 m for Cadet Men and Women.
FITA 60 m Round
This Round is only for cadets.
72 arrows shot at 60 m.
FITA 70 m Round
Apllicable to all classes except cadets.
72 arrows shot at 70 m.
Half FITA Round
18 arrows shot from each of the distances of the FITA Outdoor Target Archery Round.
Total # of arrows shot=72
FITA 900 Round
Consists of 30 arrows shot from each of the following distances on 122 cm:
60, 50, 40 m for all classes
Total # of arrows shot=90
FITA Standard Round
May only be shot by standard bow. 36 arrows at 50 m and 36 arrows at 30 m in ends of 3 arrows on 122 cm are shot.
Total # of arrows shot=72
** To Update as Necessary **