These four drugs aren’t on Singapore’s official list of banned drugs, but they are just as harmful. By Kurt Ganapathy and Ramesh William.
Go on, admit it. If you were in club a year ago and someone rocked up to ask
if you’d like some meow-meow, you would have thought him stark raving bonkers
for wanting to palm off a kitty cat in the middle of the dance floor.
late last year, things began to change. The mention of meow-meow—M-Cat to those
in-the-know—elicited excited glints in the eyes of those in the know. The street
name for the party drug known as mephedrone, this is fast becoming a clubber’s
new legal high. And the reason this harmful narcotic continues not to run afoul
of Singapore’s infamously stringent drug laws is down to a technicality—the
authorities here have it classified as a “plant food.” This makes it legit to
possess, sell and consume the substance. But be warned: The effects of
mephedrone are just as harmful as other banned drugs like cocaine and heroin.
Already, several deaths have occurred in Europe through its use. Germany, Sweden
and, just a fortnight ago, the UK, have all placed it under their list of banned
With Singapore’s tough stance on drugs, mephedrone is likely to
be reclassified in the near future—count on that. But the “mephedrone episode”
in Singapore shows how potentially lethal substances can slip through the
cracks—most here buy it off The internet, where it’s all too easily
available—and fly under the radar, with the authorities none the wiser. We give
you the lowdown on the sly M-Cat and a few other “drugs” that aren’t under the
list of banned drugs here. Remember, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s
safe or that its use is condoned.
a.k.a. meow-meow, M-Cat, meph, bubbles
What: Synthetic stimulant belonging to the amphetamine and cathinone class of drugs. A white, powdery substance which also comes in capsules, crystals or in liquid form, such versatility allows it be packaged in many ways and sold as innocuous items like money-plant fertilizers and bath salts (swim in that, sucker). According to reports, until recently it was sold alongside mints and chocolates at the counters of newsagents in the UK. Sold on the Internet—most originates from the UK, where it’s acquired from Chinese sources in bulk. Sold for $30-$45 a gram in Singapore.
Taken because: An alternative to cocaine and ecstasy, this drug reportedly induces euphoria, excitement and a state of openness. So look out for erstwhile science lab buddies who were nerds two days ago and suddenly can’t get enough of boogeying and chasing tail like the next Daniel Craig.
Taken how: Snorting it after you’ve arranged it in neat, preferably parallel, lines. Drink it—the extra suicidal among you can put it in energy drinks. Or wrap it in a piece of paper and swallow it. Now, most of us have eaten cardboard in the bad old broke days of college life, but this is ridiculous.
Why so serious: You could die. It may also cause palpitations, blood vessel constriction, fits, nasty nose bleeds, teeth grinding and trismus, which dear friends, is the inability to open one’s mouth. Still sounds like a party drug to you? Nope, didn’t think so. Meph also turns your fingers blue, which, unless you’re a member of the Blue Man Group, you should have no business having. Also induces paranoia—please, like we need more paranoid Singaporeans.
Banned in: Germany, Scandinavia, the UK and Israel, to name a few.
Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) says: “Our current assessment is that there is no widespread abuse of the drug Mephedrone here in Singapore. Nonetheless, CNB is monitoring the situation closely and is studying the possibility of listing mephedrone as a controlled drug.”
a.k.a. Diviner’s Sage, SCE, Salvia Extract, Sally-D
What: Part of the sage and mint family, the salvia divinorum, to quote its full name, has been around for a long while. The Aztecs have long been aware of it state-altering effects and its hallucinogenic effects are among the strongest from a naturally occurring herb—stronger than even cannabis, apparently. Like meph, this is also easily available online and its price is seasonal.
Taken because: People want to tune out and use this as an alternative to marijuana and hashish. Symptoms of highness include wavy walls and blurry patterns—so you can rule this out as a clubbers’ drug because you might just lose the plot if you come into contact with a disco ball in this state.
Taken how: Smoked from a pipe.
Why so serious: The headaches are a killer. There is long-term vision disability—in other words, you can get all Stevie Wonder and shake your head rueing what an idiot you’ve been. Also known to cause cold sweats and chills, and also excessive drooling. We think we speak for all when we say, “Eww, yuck!”
Banned in: Australia, Belgium, Colorado, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden have controls on the drug—from a total ban to a medical-use-only restriction.
CNB says: “(A) salvia divinorium (case) was first detected in Singapore in 2003. We would like to highlight that it was a single and isolated seizure detected by the CNB. There have been no such cases since.”
a.k.a. Kava-kava, piper methysticum, Kava Root, sakau
What: Popular in the South Pacific, where it is found as a shrub. The root is where the “prized stuff” is and it is ground into a powder form and then made into capsules, teas, drinks and various liquid extracts. While the science of its “badness” isn’t clearly fleshed out, it is thought that Kava messes around with the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain which affects the blood. Its proponents claim it as an excellent antidote to anxiety and insomnia—it’s claimed you’ll sleep like a baby upon drinking it. In Fiji, it’s like a form of alcohol and used in ceremonies and official functions—the country is dotted with “grog shops” selling the substance. In recent years, the abuse of Kava has gotten so out of hand that Fiji’s President has told citizens to “spend more time with the family, and less with Kava.” A packet of kava root powder can be bought off the internet for about $45 a pound.
Taken because: It relieves stress and anxiety, making it a very popular relaxant. Plus if you’re struggling for a good night’s sleep, this thing will knock you out faster than a Manny the Pacman’s punch. So if you’re thinking of taking it and heading for the clubs, don’t. You’ll feel relaxed alright, but after a while you might find yourself snoozing under the DJ console.
Taken how: Can take the form of pill supplements. The powdered form can be consumed by running water through a cloth sieve.
Why so serious: Has subtle psychoactive properties; rashes are another mild side-effect. The other extremely dangerous side-effect concerns the liver, where prolonged or “over-enthusiastic” use is known to cause liver damage—including cirrhosis, hepatitis and organ failure.
Banned in: France, Netherlands and Switzerland.
CNB says: “Kava is not listed on the Misuse of Drugs Act, but the Health Sciences Authority lists it as a poison under the Poisons Act.”
a.k.a. thang, kakuam, thom, ketum, biak
What: A native tree to the region, the leaves are where you’ll find herbal stimulant properties. It has many medicinal properties (plugs diarrhea pretty well, according to fans, and is a reliable painkiller) and is also used recreationally.
Taken because: Users like its effects. This is fast gaining popularity with clubbers here because it makes one alert, full of energy, talkative and sociable, even boosting one’s sexual energy and endurance. Reports and anecdotal evidence also suggest it to be a suitable accompaniment to music—with people experiencing a euphoric state of “waking-dreaming” when they kill off the lights in their room, lie on their bed and listen to their favorite album.
Taken how: Boiling the leaves and making it into a tea. Chewing is also popular. But most crush the leaves into a powder and consume it.
Why so serious: Occasional users won’t find too much to be concerned with but frequent users can experience severe weight loss, muscle aches, muscle tics and diarrhea. And it’s a hard habit to break—so you start using this at your peril.
Banned in: Controlled substance in Australia, Bhutan, Burma, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Malaysia and Thailand.
CNB says: “Kratom is not listed on the Misuse of Drugs Act. Many factors must be considered before going through the legislative process of banning a substance.”
A spokesman for the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) had this to say
about banned substances:
“The CNB watches closely the drug abuse
situation and developments both locally and overseas. The CNB will list abused
substances in the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) when it assesses that there is a
need to do so. However the decision is not lightly taken, as we need to assess
the possible impact on its legitimate
uses. In general, Singapore is guided
by the recommendations of the United Nations drug conventions. The extent of
abuse and impact of a substance in
Singapore is also taken into consideration
in deciding whether to list any substances as a controlled drug.”
Hands Up, Suckers! BANNED
Drugs That The Law Caught Up With.
Subutex (Buprenorphine) – Originally used to
treat opioid addictions, drug abusers soon discovered that Subutex itself could
be used to get high. To get their highs, abusers began taking Subutex with other
prescription medication, or they simply injected a form of the pill directly
into their veins. When Subutex is administered intravenously, it can clog
arteries and cause breathing difficulties. When a syringe is used to deliver
drugs, it is often shared, creating the risk of HIV and hepatitis
Subutex was listed as a Class A Controlled Drug in 2006.
Erimin 5 (Nimetazepam) – Once prescribed to patients suffering
from insomnia, the depressant Erimin 5 quickly became used as more than just a
sleeping pill. Touted as Ecstasy without the side effects, when abused, it
affects judgment, causes memory deterioration, and diminishes motor skills.
Abusers often combine it with other “harder” drugs, putting themselves in danger
of an overdose.
Erimin 5 was listed as a Class A Controlled Drug in 1992.
Ecstasy (MDMA) – Due to its effects of opening people up to
intimacy while numbing their feelings of fear, stress and depression, Ecstasy
was originally used in psychotherapy. Ecstasy is one of the most heavily used
recreational drugs, and during the high, “good” qualities become amplified,
while “bad” qualities are suppressed. It is during the “come down” phase that
the problems start. Ecstasy can damage the central nervous system, and fatal
overdoses are not uncommon.
Ecstasy was made illegal in the mid 1980s.
(Lysergide) – Also known as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds; the symbol
of 1960s culture, and the “inspiration” of countless songs, poems, and works of
art. First synthesized in 1938 from fungus, LSD was initially tested for various
potential medical uses. Administered through a blotting paper placed under the
tongue, LSD causes wild hallucinations, or “trips,” as users like to call them.
These trips can easily go wrong, and bad trips cause paranoia and panic.
LSD has been illegal for more than 40 years.
Drugs you say?
Yes, these are too.
Or to be more exact, ethanol. Perhaps humanity’s
oldest vice, it’s a depressant and it affects the receptors for neuronal
activity. The result is reduced attention, slowed reaction, slurred speech and
clumsiness, otherwise known as drunkenness.
The dirt:
Ethanol stimulates the production of insulin, which lowers the blood-sugar
level, making people irritable and that may lead to…yes,
Fatal OD: Yes you can overdose on it, but the lowest
recorded lethal dose is around 20 shots of spirits for a person weighing 100kg,
as the vomit-reflex is normally triggered before dangerous levels are reached.
Fun fact: Michael Jackson, the renowned liquorologist, not
the Moonwalker, suggested based on archeological evidence that the drink
consumed at The Last Supper was not wine, but beer.
The caffeine in our morning
kopi/teh/soft drink is a psychoactive stimulant. In lab tests, it has made
spiders lose their ability to build webs.
The dirt: Caffeine
stimulates the central nervous system, warding off drowsiness by occupying the
receptors for adenosine (the body’s sleep promoter). Tolerance can be built up,
and long-term use can result in caffeinism, a caffeine dependency.
Fatal OD: A fatal overdose of caffeine is possible, but
only if you drink 80-100 cups of coffee within a short time. Another thing worth
noting, caffeine relaxes the sphincter muscles; so if you’ve begun to “hang
loose” lately, go for decaf.
Fun fact: Caffeine was
discovered in 1819—the same year Singapore was founded.
Millions of people puff away daily to get their
nicotine fix. Nicotine is a stimulant, and like caffeine, it occurs naturally as
a pesticide.
The dirt: Each cigarette contains about 1mg of
nicotine. Nicotine’s addictive characteristics are akin to that of cocaine or
heroin, which explains why smoking can be a difficult habit to kick. It works by
raising the levels of certain neurotransmitters and hormones in your system.
This produces the feelings of relaxation, euphoria, calmness and alertness
associated with smoking.
Fatal OD: Your mouth is only so
big, so there’s a limit to how many cigarettes you can smoke in one go. But even
if you chain-smoke continuously for days, you won’t die. However, cancer and
heart disease will creep on to you after a while—just you wait.
fact: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was once a heavy
smoker. He said in a dialogue at the Silver Industry Conference and Exhibition
in 2008 that he would puff 10 cigarettes offstage before making campaign
speeches during the election trail in the 1950s. He kicked the habit soon
Betel Nut
This traditional chewable is made from the seed
of the areca palm, wrapped in a betel leaf with various
The dirt: It tastes mildly spicy, warms up the
body, and the alkaloid arecoline stimulates the central nervous system, giving
higher levels of alertness. Its effect is comparable to caffeine or nicotine.
Although not really addictive on its own, tobacco leaves are sometimes added to
the mix, heightening dependency.
Fatal OD: Betel nut is
known to have carcinogenic properties, and regular consumption raises the risk
of developing oral cancers. Most people prefer to leave this one to the older
generations, as the thought of walking around spitting everywhere isn’t very
Fun fact: Great for fighting bad breath. You
might have a red mouth, but hey you’ll still get to kiss the girl!
Nitrous Oxide
Better known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide
is a common anesthetic used in many dental and surgical procedures.
The dirt: Its recreational use predates its medical value,
and today it is still used for the euphoria and mild hallucination it causes.
While only certified people have access to pure nitrous oxide, recreational
users can obtain a form of it from whipped cream canisters, where it is used as
a propellant.
Fatal OD: You can die of asphyxiation if
exposed to large quantities.
Fun fact: Discovered at the end
of the 18th century, the British upper crust used to gather for laughing gas
parties where people would inhale the gas and amuse one another with their
intoxicated antics.
Drug Therapy
The Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA) was founded in 1972. It was established to assist in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. SANA counselors Valerie Wong and Cynthia Chng respond to our questions.
What are some issues that lead people to resort to drug use?
Valerie Wong: There is no single reason why offenders abuse drugs.
For some, drugs give them a false sense of security; often addicts also turn to
them when they feel stressed or lonely. There are also others who are drawn to
drugs out of peer pressure—to appear cool.
They are absolutely unaware of
the psychological affects of these drugs. They think it is only self harm, and
not harming others. But very soon, they’ll be chasing after this very same first
high, only to realize they’ll never feel the same way, so the doses get larger
and they turn to stronger narcotics.
Singaporeans have an above average quality of life, and there are
harsh penalties against drug use. Is Singapore a unique case?
Cynthia Chng: SANA will not be able to comment on
the differences between countries, however, it has been observed in our work
that there is a difference in the choice of drugs and substances used by the
younger and older drug users. A young(er) person would tend to use cheaper
products like glue to get a high but an old(er) person may choose drugs of
different types (e.g. heroin, ketamine, etc).
How do people generally view “legal drugs” (including alcohol,
nicotine and uncontrolled intoxicants)?
CC: In our
contact with young and old persons who have touched illegal substances
(including uncontrolled intoxicants), they generally view legal substances as
permissible because the usage of such do not carry with it a penalty.