We have heard of U.S. soldiers taking a bullet for a fellow soldier, but now a new friend took a bullet for a U.S. soldier in Iraq.

The CF-M34 Toughbook laptop you see in the photo above has a bullet hole which shows just how tough it is as it took a bullet for a U.S. soldier in Iraq.
The BULLETPROOF laptop from Panasonic was the constant companion of one soldier and was taken through the mountains of southeastern Turkey and into the war of Iraq.
The need for rugged laptops is growing, used by the U.S. armed forces (the 82nd Airborne Division) and it was one of these laptops that saved a soldierÂ’s life,
An estimated market of $858 million in 2007 is expected for the need of the toughest laptops, people want toughness and the need is growing.