We should buy full or upgrade version?
64 bit and 32 bit gt wad differences?
For normal computer use, is windows 7 home premium enough?
I will say buy full version
64bit will be able to support and utilise more than 3.5gb of ram
Yes windows 7 Home is enough
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:I will say buy full version
64bit will be able to support and utilise more than 3.5gb of ram
Yes windows 7 Home is enough
Installation instructions?
second do I have to save all the data first?
I think mine can only support 32 bit as the windows 7 upgrade advisor stated.
It says I have the upgrade option to 32 bit windows 7 home premium or ultimate.
if you are upgrading, you dont need backup. A Windows.old folder will be located at ur c drive after your upgrade. You can then drag drop from the folder whatever you want then delete the folder
Originally posted by Wireless-:if you are upgrading, you dont need backup. A Windows.old folder will be located at ur c drive after your upgrade. You can then drag drop from the folder whatever you want then delete the folder
u meant the full version or upgrade version.
Upgrade version can do upgrade or custom (clean) installation?
Use upgrade verison upgrade the microsoft office, anti-virus , games programmes all will stay?
Need use windows 7 easy transfer back up with eternal hard disk?
My alienware is using win 7 pro 64 bit, apparently some newer computer games and programs don't work with 32 bit.
I upgrade from home vista premium to windows 7 ultimate.
both 32 bit one,vista and windows 7.
Just use upgrade version can liao? the programmes will retain like virus scan micosoft word games programmes?
Anyone interested in buying Home Premium, I am looking for people to buy with me.
My friends is giving good discount if can buy like 2-3 at one go.
Price range between S$265 to S$280. (Retail at Challenger is S$349)
If interested, drop me an email at i.like.to.spree@gmail.com
Anyway, i guess home premium is enough....
Buy full, of course.
But if u are budget tight, upgrade to home premium will do also and ensure no virus and backup your sys lor.
Get the full version for a less hassle installation experience. If you do not need any Microsoft support, and fancy packaging, get the OEM versions instead.