as above anyone had bad breathe and cure it before?
how to cure it? =((
please help thankss...
make brushing, flossing, using of mouthwash a habit..
not forgetting your every 6 months of dental checkup too..
clean your tongue.. there are tongue scrapers available to buy..
if it comes from within you, see a doctor.. could be a buildup of something in your stomach..
i clean my tongue, floss.. i just had dental check up a few days back. the dentist say my dental problem is ok...only a few small decay....but i dont think my breathe come from the decay sometimes..... i check my bad breathe by blowing my breathe out in front of the mirror and smell it...i know its gross but this is the only way to check it .....
i asked my friend if i got tell me...but i doubt they will tell...coz they doesnt wana hurt me but i dont mind actually....
does detoxing really helps??... and any way to check if the breathe stinks? theres something like the themometer thing to check right?
please help its seriously getting in my everyday life =((( i dare not talk to my friends...and we r dirfting far apart now..
as bear had said, go visit a doc asap..
sigh but what will the doctors do? have xray done or? will it cost alot?
Originally posted by waterpaper22:sigh but what will the doctors do? have xray done or? will it cost alot?
Bad Breathe occurs becos of your daily intake of food. Also drinking not enough of plain water....... Try to change your eating style.
You can also try to do detox.... U gal or guy?
Originally posted by waterpaper22:sigh but what will the doctors do? have xray done or? will it cost alot?
=> Halitosis
the doctor will be able to check out what is happening in you.. could be as simple a swallowing some pills to neutralise the stuff in your stomach or to cure you of your sinus problems..
sinus isit the one u every morning will get flu that kind?
Brush your teeth properly.
Tooth decay causes bad smell too.
Drink more water like u have never drink before.
Drink tea.
Rinse your mouth each time u take your food.
See doctor, could be something wrong with your digestive system.
Originally posted by waterpaper22:sinus isit the one u every morning will get flu that kind?
sinus cavities are these gaps you have just under your eyes within your skull.. sometimes when there are infections of something like that, they fill up with mucus and gunk..
people think they are 'having a flu' but you are not suffering from influenza.. you just have a runny nose
the runny nose is usually something messing up your sinus cavities..
best if you go see a doctor..
if your sinus cavities remain blocked or gunked up, you can try using a neti pot to clear up your nose...
remember.. for most of these things, google is your friend
but bear google only show info...i hope to get real life stories...
do ur surrounding friend happen to have and able to cure it?
Originally posted by waterpaper22:but bear google only show info...i hope to get real life stories...
do ur surrounding friend happen to have and able to cure it?
you could just try popping a breath-mint every once in a while.. they help..
and if the ads are to be believed, clorets will work on the cause of halitosis
eating mints doesnt helps!! =((( could this be family runs in this too?
i envy u all coz bad breath doesnt seems to affect everyone.....
and if i go see a doc..wat do i tell him?
Originally posted by waterpaper22:eating mints doesnt helps!! =((( could this be family runs in this too?
i envy u all coz bad breath doesnt seems to affect everyone.....
and if i go see a doc..wat do i tell him?
Aiyo, ask u to change your eating habit liao....... then drink at least 2.5L of H2O per day........ a week later then u see got effect or not la.... The one you go pee, the more you can detox........ Dun eat fried food for a week, normal soupy stuff.... If all the above cannot then go c doctor la... And constipation also plays a part in bad breathe.....