Was there aloong time ago before the troubles started again...So not much help i can give you. Just some random thoughts about the place:
- Coconuts are damn cheap. About S$0.05. Had them everyday I was there.
- They seem to have a sweeter palate than Singaporeans. The first time I tasted sweet fresh milk was in Cambodia.
- The motorcycle-taxis are a relatively cheap way to get around.
- There was a Theives (??cant remember) market in Phom Penh that sells lots of trinkets.
- Also a 'Singapore Restaurant' selling Singapore-ish food like fishball noodles. [might be closed already...who knows what happened to it during the violence]
- Vehicles with 2-color (I think it was red and green) licence plates are vehices belonging to 'military officers'. Being 'military officers', they are allowed to carry handguns around. I say 'military officers' because that status and the permission to legally carry handguns on your person can be bought by paying US$. Alot of them are probably businessmen who needs the protection.
- You can get a driving licence in 1/2 weeks. about 300 US dollars. (I think)
That's all I remember...Not sure how different it is now.
OOh: Just remembered that I ate fried sparrow there. Dun remember what It tastes like but I suppose it must have tasted like chicken.
Edit: Did some googling...

It says 1990 -94...I was there after 94 and the plates were still around . I dunno about now.