Frequency of sex
# Globally, people are having sex an average of 103 times a year, with men (104) having sex more often than women (101)
# 35-44 year olds are having the most sex - 112 times compared to just 90 times for 16-20 year olds and 108 times for 25-34 year olds
# One in five adults have sex 3-4 times a week and 5% have sex once a day
# The Greeks top the league at 138 times a year, closely followed by the Croatians (134), Serbian Montenegrins (128 ) and the Bulgarians (127)
# Lovers in Japan are the least amorous, having sex just 45 times a year. Nations among the least sexually active include Singapore (73), India (75) and Indonesia (77) was just bored