VICOM historical charts(Note: Charts not adjusted for bonus issues, rights issues, dividends etc)

BackgroundEstablished in 1981, VICOM began operations on 2 January 1982 as the first vehicle inspection centre in Singapore. In 1984, it began to inspect motorcycles.
VICOM offers services such as road tax renewal, transfer of vehicle ownership, sale of motor insurance/general insurance, electronic road pricing (in-vehicle units), speed limiter test, enforcement check on overloaded vehicles, chassis dynamometer smoke test, pre-registration check for parallel importer, tinted glass check and car evaluation.
It has conducted over 30,000 car evaluations since 1989. The Company has also exported its expertise to various countries around the region.
VICOM Inspection Centre Pte Ltd has 5 inspection centres conveniently located at the northern (Yishun), eastern (Changi, Kaki Bukit), central (Sin Ming) and western (Bukit Batok) parts of Singapore. The company strives to keep abreast with the latest in inspection technology and provides its customers with excellent service. Today, it provides inspection services for private cars, taxis, motorcycles, light goods vehicles, heavy goods vehicles and buses.
VICOM Assessment Centre Pte Ltd (VAC) has been appointed to operate Independent Damage Assessment Centres (Idac) by the General Insurance Association of Singaqpore (GIA). Under the new process, all accident vehicles will have to report to an Idac to have their damages assessed immediately after an accident. VAC operates 5 Idacs islandwide conveniently located at VICOM (Sin Ming), VICOM (Changi), VICOM (Bukit Batok), VICOM (Kaki Bukit) and VICOM (Yishun). With close to seven years of experience in assessing accident vehicles, VAC offers other value-added services aimed at providing the motorists with the necessary assistance and convenience.
VICOM Ltd and Unichamps Ventures Pte Ltd set up a subsidiary - VICOM Unichamps Pte Ltd in July 2002 to venture into the vast China market. VICOM has a 60 percent stake in this subsidiary.
VICOM Unichamps Pte Ltd acquired a 40 percent stake in Shanghai Jing Hong Lan Xian Environmental Technology ("JHLXET"). Its purpose is to carry out business activities in vehicle emission test, enforcement of emission standards, supervision of emission test stations and other environment protection related business.
Following the approval of VICOM's Shareholders in an Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 March 2003 at the Orchid Country Club, SETSCO became the latest subsidiary of VICOM Ltd. The acquisition represents an opportunity for VICOM to engage in a strategic expansion into other areas of inspection and testing services.
SETSCO is one of Singapore's largest testing and inspection companies accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council - Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-Singlas) to ISO/IEC 17025. SETSCO is in the business of providing testing, calibration, inspection, consultancy and training services to a wide spectrum of industries, such as the aerospace, building and construction and manufacturing industries. Services provided include quality assurance, building and construction materials testing and evaluation, structural evaluation and diagnosis, chemical analysis, environmental monitoring and assessment, food and microbiology analysis, mechanical testing and metallurgy, non-destructive testing and evaluation, metrology (the calibration of instrumentation) and preventive maintenance assessment.
Its immediate and ultimate holding company is ComfortDelgro Corporation Ltd