Dear all,
I'm concerning about:
Recently i fond this gal(A) but she does'nt like me as for Ayuni looked alike fond me but she's not my cup of coffee.
Thus i always sent gal(A) to work and we went out 2gether at times. However, deep down inside my heart i think does gal(A) making used of me as her "driver" jus becos i've car...?

Im very sad at this moment, why was i treated in this way? Frez say that " UR REALLY STUPID MAN... Y STILL HOLD ON GAL(A) WHERE SHE DON'T LIKE U, AND Y DON'T U CONSIDER AYUNI LOOK ALIKE WHERE SHE'S TURLY LIKE U...
I don't know what m i going supose to do at this stage now? However, i tried to forget bout gal(A) but can't...
SOS HeLp!!!pls advice...
Question guys, very serious now would u think that sg gal still going after so called 5C's nowadays??? Unfortunatly i do not have 5C's now but what i do have is 5S's...
Steam on bed

Sex on bed

Skills on bed

Spems on bed

Sleep on bed

Steam is when i desire 4,
Sex after sleeping, so i needed some,
Skills too... and shook man... is when my,
Spems shoot out like shooting stars,
Sleep is when no more spems liao...
Hey pls ignor the above "question" jus a joke huh...