Dear LittlstreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.
p.s. You can really tell that I am bored.![]()
Dear LinyuOriginally posted by LinYu:Dear Diary,
TGIF, so wat, just another boring day, hmmmm.... just another banana day.![]()
Dear coolger03Originally posted by coolger03:Dear diary,
what is it abt banana and alcohol? seems like everything ppl say has been linked to alcohol...
*shake head*
Dear Diary,Originally posted by laurence82:Dear coolger03
What is wrong with you? Why everything I said you link to bananas?
Yours, Diary
Dear coolger03Originally posted by coolger03:Dear Diary,
i dunno... just seems like bananas is the in thing here...
never yours,
Dear Diary,Originally posted by laurence82:Dear coolger03
Bananas were never the in thing. You assume wrongly.
Ha ha ha!
Others, Diary
Dear coolger03Originally posted by coolger03:Dear Diary,
then why is this thread call diary of the banana?
drat! i'm no banana!
forever young,
i thot so too... din realise that there are so many banana's wannabe in the forum...Originally posted by laurence82:Dear coolger03
Good question. It was my diary till every ah gao ah mao come in and di siao me.
Ha ha ha!
Definitely not the king's, Diary
Dear LinYuOriginally posted by LinYu:Dear Diary,
It will be a sin not to eat bananas for bananas are meant to be eaten without alcohol.![]()
Dear coolger03Originally posted by coolger03:i thot so too... din realise that there are so many banana's wannabe in the forum...
Note: me just kpoh here nia... me not banana...
hmm... if i act innocent... maybe mr policeman will let me go with a warning?Originally posted by laurence82:Dear coolger03
If you kena caught for littering, do you think you can tell Mr Policeman "Oops, I didnt know in Singapore cannot anyhow litter one?"
Dear coolger03Originally posted by coolger03:hmm... if i act innocent... maybe mr policeman will let me go with a warning?
Dear LinyuOriginally posted by LinYu:Dear Diary,
What makes 22 man runs after a ball, cry over balls.![]()
Dear FatumOriginally posted by Fatum:Dear Diary,
why can't females understand football ? or sports for that matter ? (aunty streamie likes ice hockey, but that's not a real sport, more like a gang-fight on ice, so there) football is a beautiful game, and it's a male thing, it tickles our neanderthal brain-stems, and of course, there's much more to football than twenty two grown men chasing after a ball which, after they've caught it with their legs, they're generally inclined to kick it away anyways .... it's about the company, beers, the cheers, and of course, how can we forget, the bettings and the attendent adrenaline high that comes with risking our wallets ....
I read of someone casting aspersions on the beautiful game on the banana pages, if that person was an emasculate male, he would have been hung and quartered, but on account of her being a small ger, I elect to pat her head instead ....![]()
*pats ....
footy fan
Dear LittlestreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
I am sleepy. How?