Even before the onset of popular Christianity anti 'left' sentiment existed. In Jamblichus' writings Life of Pythagoras, he describes rituals dealing with early Pythagoreans. They "enter holy places by the right, which is . . . divine, and leave them by the left, the symbol of . . . dissolution." And it was later confirmed by Aristotle that they "call good what is on the right, and bad what is on the left." (7) These early beliefs are thought to have arisen from primitive sun worshipping cults in Mesopotamia. At a time in human history where most of civilization was North of the equator the worshippers would face south to view the sun. Hence life and progress proceeded to the right and darkness and death from the left. A common theme echoed throughout Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology.
Even the long history of language promotes hatred and dissension towards the left-handed. The Oxford Dictionary defines 'Left' in the primary sense as, "weak, worthless" and defines the directional equivalent as the derived, or secondary, sense of the word. The Latin word for 'left' is 'sinistre' and has left us with 'sinistral' which is the scientific term for 'left-handed'. Incidentally enough the term for 'right-handed' is 'dextral' which also means 'just' as in justice in Latin. Many other words that translate into 'left' in English have secondary meanings as shown here:
Language: word: also translated as
French: gauche: awkward, clumsy
Danish: kejthandet: cat-handed
Italian: mancini: crooked, maimed
German: linkisch; awkward
Russian: na levo: sneaky
Portuguese: canhoto: weak, mischievous
Spanish: zurdo: malicious
Romanian: bongo: crooked, evil
There are also a great amount of words that have been used to describe with contempt left handed people. The British English 'cack-handed' meaning excrement handed. The Scottish 'gawk-handed' where a "gawk" is a foolish person. The Australian English molly-dooker where a "molly" is an effeminate man and "duke" is slang for hand. Cork-handed, Bang-handed, Gallock-handed, Wacky, Spuddy-handed, Kay-fisted, Kefty, Corrie-pawed, Back-handed, Clickey-handed, Coochy-handed, Cow-pawed, Gammy-handed, Kerr-handed, Kitty-wesy, Scrammy, Skiffle-handed, Skivvy-handed, and Watty-handed to name a few more. (
In contrast the words describing 'right' often mean such things as, straight, erect, just, correct, law, wholly entirely right, and upright.
The makeup of our language has spilt over into other areas of our lives. Oaths are never sworn in with the left hand, the evil eye is the left eye, hands are joined in marriage ceremonies by the right hand, people are born to their 'birthright', America entitles every one in the Bill of Rights, the political radicals are the leftists, et cetera ad nauseam
So we grow up in a world that has been taught from near infancy that being left handed is a bad and sometimes evil thing. It is passed on to the child from a very early age as the development and learning process begins. Many teachers still today will punish children for trying to write with their left hand. Among grade school teachers it still commonly believed that writing with right hand could be taught to a child given the correct teaching. Couple this with a sociological contempt of left-handers and you have a system that can traumatize many children who do not feel they are 'normal,' feel wrong or bad simply for writing as it feels naturally to them, with their left hand.
In the newsgroup alt.lefthanders many people have expressed their own personal experiences on the topic.