Originally posted by Poolman:Guys , take all threads as a leisure , enjoy those chantings .....
Never was i particular about ratings .
My mods are all aware of it .
Just cannot tahan ... EPL Forum are meant to be fair .
U create one post on one team , pls post similiar for another .
And pls post all if can ....
Not becos u are a mod in MU forum , and the owner of the EPL forum , u have to reserve all MU threads strictly for MU forum , why they scare post MU thread in EPL forum will kena bashings ?
What about L'pool's thread , created to make Liverpool kena bashings ?
You may not care about ratings but maybe other people who are 'on your side' seem to bother because they mention and talk about it.
I think all of you really deserve each other fully. All just bitching about each other no end.
Ratings are useless. We have quality, not just copy and paste. With copy and paste we can also get a lot of ratings lah.
Originally posted by Undertaker.Chris:Ratings are useless. We have quality, not just copy and paste. With copy and paste we can also get a lot of ratings lah.
You and Poolman may not care, but apparently there is somebody else who does and this person is not even a Liverpool fan. Yet this forum rating thing seems to be on his mind quite a bit. It is not the first time he has made complaints linked to forum rating or whatever and I am quite sure this person has previously complained about how rating has been taken away from him.
Still, it is good to see the stand that both you and Poolman share.
On a side note Poolman, the Chelsea subforums hardly do anything. I think it is no big deal anyway since the official Chelsea forum is doing well to gather Chelsea fans together and interact, be it online or offline.
the beauty of this sports is the intense rivalry of the clubs!
Originally posted by Poolman:anyway guys , Undertaker Chris aka Chris Benoit , add some colours to football here, isn't it ?
Without this fella , dull la knn .....
Lol...only reason u would say that is cuz he is a liverpool fan...if he is a man u fan that keep flaming.....u how?