Not in accordance of importance.
01. Nelstar
02. Devil1976

Still as handsome and witty as ever

03. Missing

Still as beautiful and friendly as ever

04. SwtHippy

What can I say, definitely Hippo is a lucky guy.

05. Cindtan29

The rumoured chiobu lives up to her name!

06. MeowSusan

Still as straightforward and pretty.

07. CryoLind

Wah chiobu! Don't kill me with DMJDJ!

08. Windjammer n daughter

Thank you for rushing down just to meet us, no wonder yzz was attracted to your young princess. She is indeed as cute as they all say.
09. progene

Too bad this yandao taken

or else....

Thank you everyone for attending this last-min, misleading topic outing. My sincere apologises if I ain't as chatty as ever, just that I did not have enough rest and unable to function fully.