is it the principles u believe in or the partner you are wif?
let me start the ball rolling by saying tat to me, the partner u are wif is more impt than the principles u hold to cos in a r/s ur partner matters more than other words, wad makes ur partner happy/wad she believes is more impt in keeping the r/s going...holding on to ur own principles and insisting on them will only hurt the r/s...
cop-out answer would be both...
if have to choose, i'd actually go with principles. me thinx if u r able to stick to your principles (and i hope they are good), then others should be able to see that thru u'r actions/behavious hence be drawn to you in that sense. If u partner with someone who disagree ith u'r principles, then it'll either cause problems or make things hard for you because it'll require a big change on your part.
in real-life, i think we have to comprimise too....if want to stick with our thinking 100% all the time, then can make it hard to adapt to others.
so if ur partner disagrees wif ur principles, wad shld we do? break up? wad if after discussions, still cannot agree? my take is just agree to disagree and move on...meaning keep the r/s and put it ahead of the principles...unless u are saying tat we shld keep our principles and hurt the r/s...
agree to disagree and move on would be best i guess....shows acceptance and respect.
perhaps also depends what exactly u're referring to...if she wants to murder someone and hide body in the cupboard (or istana), but that is against your principles, i think that might make/break a relationship for me personally. That's where the comprimise comes in - depending on the situation, you decide if it is worth hurting the relationship or not.
actually come to tink of it...what if its my principle to put r/s above all principles??? wouldnt i still be putting principles 1st? haha...its juz tat my principle is r/s 1st, principles 2nd...tat itself is a principle...
What's more important in relationship?
Dont abuse the trust.
i agree...but some ppl live in a world where trust is meant to be abused and exploited...tat leads to certain ppl not trusting and spend their lives guarding against and getting suspicious at others...
Yes, I am sure you also know that guys sometimes goes in relationship just to have a sex and then dump her out.
Respect the other party too.
of cuz...and it definitely doesnt feel gd to those who are genuinely sincere who are constantly being guarded against and being suspected of harbouring ulterior motives...
there are many types of relationships....
majority falls into allied relationships than truly genuine one....
in short, there are more allies than friends
those are wad i call transactional r/s
Give and take. Because my SO and I grown up from different family, so our views tends to be quite different. Some times her idea seems reasonable, while other times she'll adopt my idea. So far, my SO and I does not have any major principle differences.
Relationship very complex.
Trust, give and take, respect, dignity.
Stay out of relationships and you're life will be a *lot* less difficult.
I have an idiot "friend" who was in a relationship where his girlfriend bruised him up by pinching and scratching. The guy deserved it. He's an imbecile. He should've controlled his sexual urges are remained single. Instead, he let his dick control him, and got into a sexual relationship. What a dumbass.
No I don't feel sorry for him at all. He put himself in this situation.
Now he desperately wants to break up with her but is afraid she might do something to him. Well, its ALL his fault. Again, that stupid dickhead should've kept his mister where it belongs -- in his pants.
Prior to his relationship, I warned him to stay single, because the relationship is not worth the agony. He said "dude, I'm a heterosexual guy, I'm horny, I need pussy". My response was "do as you wish, but do remember the consequences of your actions".
Now he's asking me for help in breaking off with that girl.
My advice for all males, is, don't get into relationships with anyone -- girl or another guy. Its dangerous.