Aaron talks about how to release old karma from the body and mind.
http://www.deepspring.org/library_other_transcripts/060502EmIsleDzn_web.htm (Day 1)
http://www.deepspring.org/library_other_transcripts/060503EmIsleDzn_web.htm (Day 2)
http://www.deepspring.org/library_other_transcripts/060504EmIsleDzn_web.htm (day 3)
http://www.deepspring.org/library_other_transcripts/060505EmIsleDzn_web.htm (day 4)
Now.. this is what i call channelling with real useful application :)
PS: Aaron is a 6th dimensional Being whose last life was as a Thai Meditation master.
Thank you Aaron :)
why is it posted here eh lol.
shouldnt it be posted at buddhist forum instead, as there are non buddhists here as well.
Brother Rooney9,
Good question...
This method is not 'owned' by Buddhism. It is a very advanced universal method... although it is of more relevance to people who have already entered the stream... that is having glimpses of pure awareness/presence as well as understanding of no-self.
But, it is not restricted to Buddhism.
I strongly believed Jesus used something similar as well.